Linda Armour and Maggie Katz



  • Ronald McDonald House of Albany
  • Albany Stratton VA Medical Center
  • Albany Medical Center Children’s Hospital
  • Double H Ranch, Lake Luzerne
  • Camp Erin – Albany Community Hospice Bereavement


Welcome to our Chapter. We hope you will join us in helping children feel better to heal better.

Thank you to all of you who picked up stacks of 10 pillowcase kits to sew pillowcases remotely this spring.  Dozens and dozens of them have been returned, with more still coming in!

Our fall Miles of Pillowcase Smiles (MOPS) will return to in-person sewing events in September.  As our schedule is finalized, check back here (mid to late August) to find an event near you.

In the meantime, here are a few things you can do:

  1. Check out our drop-off sites on the left side of this page.   They are all small local businesses.  Support them if you can.
  2. Sew some pillowcases for us.  All the shops on the left are locations where you can drop off finished pillowcases.  Be sure to call first to confirm their hours and location.  Some of them have moved.  Leave a note with your name, email, and number of pillowcases with your finished pillowcases so we can thank you.
  3. Make a donation to us.  If you work for a business that has matching donations, even better!  The link is at the bottom of this page.  We rely on donations to fund our fabric purchases.
  4. Be kind to yourself, your family, loved ones, and friends.  We’re all in this together!

Linda and Maggie


Check out Maggie Katz’s storage of our CFS pillowcases. Ready to grab and go to fill a bag for the kids we serve.




Previous Events

Another 60 pillowcases were created at Grace Church in Lake Katrine. Assembly line work with pinning, sewing, serging, and ironing made for a fun day.


Volunteers at Bloom Fabric kicked off our 2019 MOPS events by making 60 pillowcases. Lots of fun, which we’ll repeat in the spring.


Thanks to the Wild ‘N Wooly 4H Club in Delaware County for their beautiful pillowcases.


Ms Tarello’s 7th grade students at Oliver Winch Middle School in South Glens Falls are having a great time making pillowcases for the Albany Chapter.



We had so much fun sewing recently at Saugerties Library. Check out the photos and article from the Daily Freeman News here.




Annual September pillowcase party at the Duanesburg Reformed Presbyterian Church.  10 volunteers, 5 hours, 1 great lunch = 70 pillowcases.  Fun was had by all.